"All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

"All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reflection on Blog: Tickets to Paradise!

In our Journey in Literature class, we focused on two different kind of journeys we experienced throughout our lives: the internal journey and the external journey. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, the Journey Journal helped me a lot to know more about myself and keep discovering my internal journey. But my external journal is reflected in the blog we had to work on during the whole semester and helped us to find what identifies us a culture. Creating a blog was a new task for me. Of course, I have social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but this kind of account was a new experience and an interesting one. During the whole semester, we were assigned to wrote different kind of entries and post them in our respective blogs. At first, I didn't know anything about Blogger. "How I am even supposed to add gadgets to my blog? How I am even supposed to change the background? Or the font and size of the letter?" Well, my doubts about creating the blog were most like these ones. With the help of one of my friends and some practice, I learned how to work on my Blogger account.

I chose to name my blog "Tickets to Paradise" because it represents a way to escape and feel free to know more about ourselves and our external journey while being in a paradise such as a beach, a park, a rainforest, etc. During the semester, we discussed topics such as education, tourism, traveler, dreams, identity, stereotyping, othering, in-group, out-group, perspective, and location. Most of these themes were identified in the readings, novels, and movies we saw and analyzed during class. This blog was an effective tool to express our thoughts about such topics. Even though there are many posts, my favorite was "Tourist for a Day in Puerto Rico". I really enjoyed writing this entry because I had a lot of fun with my family while doing the activity of becoming a tourist for a day in my own country. In this task, I was able to had my "ticket to paradise" while visiting Boquerón Beach at the southwest of the island and I recommend it to everyone! I like that I was able to share my experience with everyone and received feedback from my colleagues. Overall I feel this helped my writing process and my critical analysis. Everyone should begin a blog in order to discover and know more about their external journey and feel more comfortable to express it and share ideas and opinions with the ones who read your entries.

1 comment:

  1. The name you chose for your blog is really appropriate. I didn't think about the name of your blog until now; it makes so much sense! Great blog very interactive and pretty!
